Back in the Studio with Purpose!
Hi everyone! It's so nice to be back in the studio and enjoying the energy that summer brings.
After months of hibernation and taking stock of the studio, the OWS community and what my weaving practice means to me, I am pleased to say that I am once again finding form after almost 2 years of ups and downs.
I want to thank everyone for their support from my previous email where I shared a little about my ongoing struggles with peri-menopause. It was so nice to hear that others are going through the same thing or understand the unpredictable nature of what women undergo at different stages in their life. So THANK YOU.
As a result of months of introspection, I made many decisions to try and re-focus my mind and 'close out the noise'. I made the conscious decision to stop all marketing events, eliminated all community subscriptions (except the positive ones), let go of my wonderful studio assistant, stepped back from weaving and the studio in a way I have never done before. I needed this space to regain balance in my life and make sure I was looking after me.
It has been an incredible experience stepping back. Anyone who knows me understands that I really only have one speed... FAST. I am a high-energy person, an extrovert on the end of the scale and so closing myself off was a strange experience. But it was the best thing I could do to bounce back.
I am now back in the right head space to march forwards and looking forward to finishing off the videos I have filmed (but never edited), post the blogs that were 'almost' finished, add dates for in-person workshops, create more helpful content and get weaving!
This past month was a good example of what I have been trying to achieve! 😁
My work has excitedly been featured in Country Living's Modern Rustic magazine. The 'Tendril' cushion from my Forest collection was featured in Issue 23, which is currently still on sale!

I recently took part in Oxfordshire Artweeks, my first event since October last year. Thank you to those new subscribers I have met through the event or who grabbed a card while I disappeared upstairs to the studio to give someone a tour! You might also have met Claire Berliner Benson, one of the various ceramicists from Sabali Pots!

Some of my West Coast Collection was on display. This on-going body of work began in lockdown with circular forms and became of collection of throws, cushions, lampshades and wall-hangings that has only recently been completed! These handwoven designs will be photographed this summer and 'officially' launched in September. 🎉

I have also been working behind the scenes on some new commissions. Although I can't share much at the moment, I have been getting the creative juices flowing by actively weaving, something I haven't managed for a while and has been the highlight of my month! If this is something you are interested in, send me an email and we can have a chat!
To celebrate my renewed energy I also recently filmed a maker's video talking about my me, my work and the different creative processes that go into my designs. It's in the final editing phase with my videographer, but I will be sharing it later this month!
A note about the future of the studio, all is back on track! I am looking to expand the workshops I currently offer, with different options available and a studio membership too! I will be sending out a survey later this month to find out when & how you would like to begin or develop your weaving practice. So make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter!
I am truly excited to be back to my 'old self' again and finding the energy and purpose behind the studio and my weaving practice. I have worked too hard over the last 5 years to let it go! So please stay with me on this crazy journey and hopefully you can pick up something useful and inspiring along the way!
Happy Weaving!
Cass 😁