Weaving Wednesday Studio Sessions

Join our Community this summer!
We have been speaking with many of our workshop participants and have met many new weavers over the course of the past year both at events and in the studio. A common thread amongst many is that they are looking to build in some regular weaving time in their busy lives.
To help with this, we are trialling a new summer session open to any level of weaver to come along to the studio for some relaxed weaving each Wednesday morning. It will be an opportunity to meet new people over a hot (or cold!) drink, work on your current weaving project and build in some regular practice so that you create good habits.
Begins Wednesday, June 5th from 9am to 12pm
These sessions will take on an informal vibe, with the studio open from 9am to 12pm. I (Cass) will be joining you in the studio and will be working on a project of my own, hoping to build the same good habits that I encourage in others. I will be happy to answer questions and offer guidance on your current WIP.
The (newly organised!) studio now also offers visitors the opportunity to shop for any yarns and materials you might need for your next project. More on that soon! 😉
This is a free opportunity to come along to the studio in person, start (or continue!) a weaving project of your own and to meet like-minded people.
Summer trial period...
I have added dates to the diary for the summer period, excluding holidays and days I have other commitments. But there will be enough opportunity to gather at least 2 to 3 times a month between June and August to see if we have enough interest to continue this into the longer, colder, winter months!
Booking required to secure your place each week
So if you would like to book yourself into one (or all) of the sessions, please do so below. Space is being offered on a first-come-first-served basis and I will evaluate these sessions on an on-going basis.
If, however, you are completely new to weaving and don't know your warp from your weft, these sessions aren't quite for you. Join us instead in one of our Beginner Weaving workshops either on a Frame Loom or a Table Loom. You will learn all the basics to get you started to feel confident to keep practicing... and maybe join us in our Weaving Wednesday sessions! =)